Cialis Daily for a Lasting Impact on Erectile Function

Thanks to a tremendous progress of the modern medicine and science, the humankind is able to enjoy their great “fruits”. One can choose out of a great variety of medical products of various range. Anyone can cure different physical and mental ailments and deviations of a different grade of severity. One of the most popular ailments is erectile dysfunction, can be cured with such products too.


One of the most popular and reliable preparations that treat this severe disorder is Cialis. It was manufactured in the year 2002 by a famous pharmaceutical company. It followed another giant of ED treatments Viagra. Since that date, both drugs are continuous competitors. They has a well-deserved fame, as both are dependable, efficacious and pretty safe.

Nevertheless, Cialis greatly differs from Viagra, as well as from any other similar remedy. It has an incredibly lasting period of action, which reaches amazing 36 hours in a row. No other preparation with the same mechanism of action can compete with Cialis.

Such effects were reached due to a reliable work of its main active substance, which is known as Tadalafil. It belongs to a popular class of drugs that are known as PDE5 inhibitors. It provides the penis with a significant blood support, which enables the process of erection. It may come only if there is a natural arousal.

Most people know that Cialis helps to reach erection for the men who are not able to hold a lasting and dependable excitement for a proper time of sexual intercourse. It is commonly administrated once per two days thanks to its lasting action. Nevertheless, it can be used a bit differently. One can administrate it each day. However, under such condition, the initial dosage should be decreased.

Why is it needed to do? Multiple clinical trials confirm that such method helps to maintain erectile functions. There were many cases when a decreased dosing with Tadalafil on daily basis cured all the disorders and the examinees had no need in tablets anymore. Of course, it is essential to underline that such results could be reached only in men with a moderate grade of severity. Occasions that are more serious did not produce such effects.

The common initial dosage of Tadalafil is 10 mg. It can be taken once per two days. If using it on daily basis, it should take in the quantity of 2.5 mg per day. The placebo-controlled trials showed a sufficient improvement of examinees who took this substance. Thanks to an incredibly lasting possibility to achieve an erection, which has 36 hours, there is a lasting impact on erection. There appeared the signs of uncontrolled erection in the mornings. Such method is really effectual and the future conditions will take place in the future. The main objective of such conductions is to find out whether this or a bit larger dosage (5 mg per day) would be able to treat even the most severe grades of this ailment.

Dosing Regimen

This is an oral preparation, which exists in the form of tablets. Take the tablets with enough amounts of water. Fatty foods or kind of fruit juices do not postpone the start of the actions of Tadalafil. Accordingly, you can take it regardless of the meals. It is important to remember that you should take the tablets as a whole. Do not melt, chew and somehow break them. Otherwise, you will lower their effectuality.

The recommended starting dosage is 10 mg not more often than once a day. Take the tablet about 15-20 minutes prior the anticipated sexual activity. Under the condition, you feel an increased sensuality to the effects of the drug, inform your supervisor. Probably, a dosage of 5 mg per day will suit you as well. The maximal dosage is 20 mg per day. It is appointed in the case when an examinee does not feel the needed changes but slightly tolerates the affection of the tablet. Nevertheless, you should never change the dosages on your own. Self-treatment is very dangerous for anyone.


Under definite health conditions, such as some ailments and disorders, natural characteristics of the system and other obstacles, the usage of this cure may be restricted. There may take place hazardous effects. You should learn properly all the indications of safe implementation of Tadalafil.

The major contraindications are:

  • Overly high sensuousness to the components of the drug;
  • a simultaneous usage of products with the same action or those containing any form of nitrates;
  • irregular heartbeat, ischemic stroke and other heart disorders;
  • lactase insufficiency;
  • renal illnesses of a chronic character;
  • the age lesser than 18 years;

In most cases, this is a male treatment. Nevertheless, there exists a special version to treat females’ erectile dysfunctions. If you are a woman and want to try this type of Cialis, you should ask an expert in this field. It has some differences in comparison with the male version. You should also ask your supervisor about the permitted drug combinations.

Adverse Effects

Please, be aware of a possibility that there may develop some harmful effects. Commonly, they do not occur. Even if they do, their severity and duration are not high.

There can take place the following adverse effects – dizziness, headache, dyspepsia, pains in the back and muscles, flushing of the face, different allergies, irregular heart rate, leaps of blood pressure levels, visionary and hearing inconveniences and some other deviations.

In the occasion, these effects are lasting for too long or their severity is very high, you should turn for a professional medical assistance. Do not linger. Each minute is very important and can save you from health complications.