Propecia Deals and its General Application

The article summarizes Propecia mechanism of functioning, provides explanation of possible side effects caused by Propecia, and performs a comparative analysis of advantages vs disadvantages, as well as includes useful information for all patients.

Cases When Generic Propecia Can Be Prescribed

Propecia (also known as Finasteride) holds the main function of preventing the testosterone conversion into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) inside male system. Propecia is applicable for treatment of male pattern hair loss around the vertex as well as anterior mid-scalp area. Male pattern hair loss represents a common condition, which is characterized by thinning of the hair around the scalp. This generally results in hairline being receded and/or balding to occur around top area of the head. Propecia is prescribed only for men and cannot be taken by women or infants.

Besides male pattern hair loss (also referred to as androgenetic alopecia), Propecia is also prescribed for treatment of male patients suffering from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), which is caused by an enlargement of prostate. Men suffering from BPH generally tend to face difficulties when urinating, a reduction of urine flow, hesitations prior to urination, as well as reoccurring urge to wake up at night for urination. Propecia generally tends to ease the severity of those symptoms and decrease the probability of prostate surgery in future. Propecia can be taken on its own or together with other drugs like alpha-blocker (i.e. Doxazosin, Cardura) to cure BPH. Male patients suffering from hair loss tend to improve the hair growth on the scalp by taking Propecia, however will not experience increase in body hair growth.

Propecia blocks the action imposed by an enzyme named 5-alpha-reductase. This enzyme is generally responsible for changing testosterone into a different hormone, which results in prostate growth as well as loss of hair. Hence, Propecia tends to improve testosterone levels and hereby reduce prostate size as well as increase the scalp hair growth. Please note, that the effects exerted by Propecia on the prostate and also scalp generally last during the medication treatment, while the pills are administered. Likewise, once the drug intake is halted, the prostate will start growing again and the hair loss will continue.

Suitable Dosage and Appropriate Methods of Taking Propecia

The dosage as well as administration schedule are very crucial when it comes to Propecia treatment, as it will ultimately impact the effectiveness of entire treatment as well as occurrence of side effects. Propecia is to be taken only as per doctor’s instruction without any alterations to the dosage or duration of treatment, unless instructed otherwise by healthcare specialist. Propecia can be taken with or without meals.

Propecia is equipped with a patient information leaflet, which should be read through thoroughly with all the instructions being followed at all times. Any questions should be discussed with doctor.

If the medication is taken to cure male pattern hair loss, it may require a minimum of 3 months to get results. Please note, that medication does not treat hair loss, but rather influences scalp hair growth. The hair growth lasts only during the medication administration. The newly grown hair can be lost during 1-year period after the drug administration is stopped.

If the medication is taken for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), it may require up to 6 months to be able to observe complete effects. Propecia is not able to cure BPH, but rather assists in reduction of the prostate size and eases accompanying symptoms. The effect on the prostate is expected to last only during the drug administration. Once the treatment is stopped, the prostate will start growing again after several months.

Tablets for oral administration include the following dosage:

  • To treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH):
    • Adults — 5 milligrams (mg) 1 time per day.
    • Infants — Propecia is not recommended for administration.
  • To treat male pattern hair loss:
    • Adults — 1 milligram (mg) 1 time per day.
    • Infants — Propecia is not recommended for administration.

Any missed dose of Propecia is to be skipped and regular administration schedule is to continue. Abstain from doubling the dosage to compensate a missed dose. Take Propecia at the same time every day to attain desired effects.

Critical Information and Key Precautions

It is very crucial to have regular follow-up meetings with your doctor to track the treatment progress and verify whether Propecia is working effectively and should further be taken. You may also be required to have blood tests to verify unwanted effects, if any.

Propecia is contraindicated for women and kids. Pregnant ladies or women who may become pregnant soon should avoid taking broken or crushed pills, since there is possibility that Propecia gets absorbed via skin and result in birth defects in babies. If this drug comes in contact with a woman, it is required to wash the affected area with water and soap.

Propecia may result in changes inside the breast tissues, hence do not hesitate to consult with your physician if you observe any lumps, or tenderness, pain, as well as enlargement around the breast area during Propecia treatment.

Propecia may also reduce the amount of ejaculated sperm during sex, but will not affect the sperm count or ability to conceive children.

Possible Side Effects Resulted from Propecia Treatment

Since Generic Propecia is considered to be a relatively strong medicine, hence it is important that you observe your health conditions throughout the entire treatment duration and report any deviations from norms of your wellbeing to healthcare specialist.

The following side effects should be reported to the doctor without any delay, once observed:

  • Cold sweat;
  • Chills;
  • Overall Confusion;
  • Dizziness;
  • Feeling as if you are about to pass out;
  • Lightheaded sensations when you stand up from sitting or lying.

Certain side effects may not require medical attention, since they tend to disappear after some time, as your body gets used to the new medicine.

However, if the following side effects persist, please seek for assistance from doctor:

  • Reduced interest in sex;
  • Problems to attain or maintain an erection;
  • Loss of sexual drive, desire, or performance.

Frequently Asked Questions Associated with Propecia

What does DHT stand for?

DHT (DiHydroTestosterone) represents one of hormones present inside male body.

DHT is crucial important for early development of a male fetus, but can for an adult male result in:

  • Acne;
  • Prostate Enlargement;
  • Male Pattern Baldness;
  • Hair Growth (inside the nose, ears, and on the back).

When is the most suitable time to initiate Propecia treatment?

The most appropriate solution is to initiate Propecia treatment as soon as you start observing health issues. Any delays in initiation of Propecia treatment will have a negative impact on health. Likewise, patients who started the treatment with Propecia earlier will have better results comparing to patients who had started the treatment later.

Has Propecia proven to be effective for all men?

Generally, Propecia is believed to be effective for all men. Certain male patients have better results comparing to others and the reasons to that may be totally different. Independent studies have not verified any differences or relations to various ethnic groups.


Propecia has proven to be successful in blocking the activity of 5-alpha-reductase enzymes, restore normal functionality of prostate, and cause the hair growth to start again. A number of independent studies as well as positive feedbacks from male clients confirm that Propecia can be administered to address issues associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and successfully cure it, provided that appropriate control methods and precautions, as well as continuous supervision by healthcare practitioner are in place.

Important note:

This patient information is published for educational purposes only. The instructions and product properties quoted on this page follow the guidelines outlines by the drug manufacturer, but do not replicate it in all fullness. We strongly advise against using this information as a call to action of any kind, be it purchasing or using the drug without a proper medical consultation carried out first. Trademarks, names of companies and eventual studies are inserted for informational purposes and as a legal reference and respect for the copyright law and ethics.