
Sildenafil is an oral tablet used to address the issues of erectile dysfunction. The symptoms of ED as it is commonly referred to in specific literature, are inability to either gain an erection at sexual excitement or maintain it for a period of time sufficient for an intercourse and reaching an orgasm. The pill inhibits an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), hence its name of PDE5 inhibitor. Pricing for Sildenafil in Canadian pharmacy can vary significantly depending on several factors such as dosage, quantity, and policies.

Mechanism of Action

Sildenafil acts by inhibiting phosphodiesterase type 5, or simply PDE5. PDE5 is a blood vessel-calcifying agent that in healthy individuals is produced to help return the penis to its flaccid state. In ED-affected men PDE5 plays a morbific role, preventing erection from happening, in part or in full. When sildenafil citrate blocks excessive production of PDE5, it promotes release of substance called cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which is responsible for relaxing smooth muscle tissues. Blood vessels become less rigid and more elastic, they expand and absorb blood which is necessary for developing a stable and hard erection that lasts for as long as it is required to satisfy both partners.

Sildenafil citrate is absorbed into the blood flow on average within 60 minutes after a pill of sildenafil is taken. Its action then continues during approximately 4 hours, but these estimations are relative and depend on a number of factors, such as the time, quantity and quality of meals consumed prior to sildenafil taking, individual body response, severity of condition, etc.

How To Take

Sildenafil is designed for oral administration. Take one pill in the dosage appointed to you by your prescriber. Wash it down by a glass of water. Chewing, breaking and crushing the pill in the mouth is not recommended. Allow for approximately 60 minutes to pass for sildenafil effects to set in. This time will decrease as you go on with sildenafil therapy. The body response will also improve as the therapy continues.

Do not take more than one recommended dose during the period of 24 hours. For maximal effects, do not drink alcohol while taking sildenafil. A light meal will decrease risks for side events. Fatty foods will delay the onset of sildenafil effects and compromise their intensity.


Although sildenafil is a versatile medication for dealing with erectile dysfunction, it’s not equally suitable for everyone. For example, it’s not supposed to be used by males under 18 and older than 70, and is prohibited to be used by women.

Other contraindications to Sildenafil include:

  • liver diseases;
  • alcoholism;
  • hearing loss;
  • pulmonary diseases;
  • renal failure;
  • seizures;
  • retinitis pigmentosa;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Anyway, before deciding whether sildenafil is safe for your health, you should visit the doctor and have your health checked. There are many other health conditions that are not compatible with use of ED medications.

Side Effects

Yes, in fact, Sildenafil does cause side effects in many users, but the conditions and complications depend on many factors starting from man’s age and finishing by overall health and individual intolerance to sildenafil and other constituents of Viagra. Typical side effects include headache, nausea, dizziness, slight fatigue and stomach upset – as a rule, they last for a day and subside. These conditions are pretty easy to tolerate, and the vast majority of Sildenafil users claim they are ready to pay such price for the benefits provided by sildenafil.

However, sometimes the side effects of Sildenafil can be more serious. In rare cases (1% and less often), users experience worsening or temporary loss of vision or hearing. Another rare side effect is priapism, e.g. erection that does not go away after 4 hours, and tends to be painful. If you experience some of these serious side effects, you should seek for immediate medical help. That especially concerns priapism: if not treated in time, it can lead to serious and irreversible complications.

If side effects from Sildenafil seem to be very harsh for you, there are always some alternatives available. You can try some other medication for erectile dysfunction, or use natural products stimulating erection.

Side Effects Minimization

Most frequent side effect is flushing and headache, less common are nasal congestion and nausea. If side effects become too bothersome or persistent, you can try reducing the dose by choosing a lower strength on the tablet, where available. Most of Sildenafil side effects are mild in their nature and go away soon.

In order to avoid side events from Sildenafil, take the pill after a light meal. The longer you use Sildenafil, the less pronounced the side effects become. So if you experience a major headache fit after the first intake, do not get discouraged. You will most probably have a much lesser headache next time you take your sildenafil preparation, and with the third pill this adversity will go away to never bother you again. When the side effects become too bothersome or persistent, you may discuss a dose decrease with your prescriber.

If, however, you experience some more serious side effects like pain in the chest or arm, loss of vision, increase hear rate, swelling of face or lip, prolonged or painful erection, this might be a sure sign that sildenafil is contraindicated for you. In rare events when this is the case, the patient should seek immediate medical help and possibly never recommence Sildenafil therapy.


While the instructions and product properties on this page follow the drug manufacturer’s guidelines, they do not cover all details exhaustively. We strongly recommend not using this information as a prompt to purchase or use the drug without a proper medical consultation. Trademarks, company names, and referenced studies are included for informational purposes and to honor copyright laws and ethical considerations.